Masaaki Kushida

Masaaki Kushida was elected Corporate Auditor of Integral Corporation in March 2008 at its Shareholders’ Meeting. Prior to taking office at Integral, he had been Senior Corporate Auditor of Yokohama Rubber Company (YRC) for 7 years. During the time, his focus of interest ranged from “Corporate Governance”, “Compliance”, “Internal Control System” to ”Disclosure of Corporate Information” .
Masaaki Kushida began his career at the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1966, where he worked for diverse departments including Human Resources Dept., Project Appraisal Dept., Loan Dept., International Business Dept. with assignments at the London Branch and Securities Dept. After 30 years of various business experiences with IBJ, He served as the Director at YRC in charge of Purchase Dept., International Planning Dept., Planning Dept. of Non-tire-business Division for 5 years. He also experienced the positions of Chairman and CEO of subsidiaries in USA.
Masaaki Kushida graduated from the University of Tokyo, where he majored in Law.He holds the title of “Registered Management Consultant” with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.